98Maintenance Releases
6Change directory:
cd /var/mcp/run/MCP_11.0/<prov>_0/bin
7Transfer the file to the Provisioning Manager server using the sftp command:
sftp <prov_mgr_ip>
8Enter the AA role (ntappadm) password.
9Change directory:
cd /var/mcp/media
10Copy the file from the remote server to the local machine: get
11Exit the session: exit
12Log on to the Provisioning Manager/Personal Agent server as the nortel user.
13Change directory:
cd /var/mcp/run/MCP_11.0/<prov>_0/bin
14Extract the Online Help files:
./installHelp.pl –z <OnlineHelpFilename>.zip
The updated Online Help Files are accessible from the Provisioning Manager/Personal Agent client and the PC Client.
15Repeat this procedure on the other Element Manager server, which hosts the other Provisioning Manager.
Firmware upgrades
This section contains procedures for upgrading the AS 5300 firmware components. Uprade the firmware when the current version does not match the firmware version available on the upgrade CD.
Use these procedures to do the following:
•determine the currently installed firmware version
•compare the installed version to the version on the upgrade CD
•if required, install the firmware upgrade
Application Server 5300
Nortel AS 5300 Installation
4 November 2008