3. Telephone


LAfter viewing ×2 to ×9 will be replaced
with a ,.
To stop viewing
Press {STOP} after step 2 on page 41.
To edit a telephone number before calling
Press {*} repeatedly after step 2 on page 41.
Each time you press {*}, the telephone number
will be changed as follows:
1 Local telephone number only (area code
2 Area code Local telephone number
3 1 Area code Local telephone number (1
LTo return a call, press {SP-PHONE}.
LTo store the number in the phone book, follow
from step 3 of the base unit storing procedure
on page 44.
LThe unit provides an auto edit feature for
Caller ID numbers. For details, see page 42.
3.10 Caller ID number auto edit feature
Once you call back an edited number, this unit
can automatically edit incoming phone numbers
from the same area code each time you receive
a call. For example, it can ignore the area code of
calls originating from your area code, so that you
can call these numbers using caller information
without dialing the area code.
To activate this feature, you must edit a caller
information by selecting pattern 1, 2 or 3
(page 41, 42), then make a call to that number.
After that, calls from numbers in that area code
will be edited automatically. The handset and
base unit can remember up to 4 area codes each
to be edited according to patterns 1 and 2.
When more than 5 area codes are edited, older
area codes are reset to pattern 3. Phone
numbers from the 4 most recently edited area
codes will be automatically edited.
This feature can be turned ON using either the
handset or the base unit. The default setting is

3.10.1 Turning ON the Caller ID

number auto edit feature

LKeep the front cover page open for button
With the handset
Make sure the handset is not being used.
1Press {MENU}.
2Press {0}{4}.
LAuto edit will be displayed.
3Press {1} to select On.
4Press the {Save} (soft key).
5Press {OFF}.
With the base unit
1Press {MENU}.
2Press {#}, then {7}{5}.
3Press {1} to select ON.
4Press {SET}.
5Press {MENU}.
LIf you fail to reach your destination when
making a call, the phone number you dialed
might have an incorrect pattern. Edit the
FPG379-PFQX2138ZA-en.book Page 42 Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:49 PM