COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems ± Model 3830
If these characters are not echoed back to the DTE screen after the
2.Once the characters are echoed back to the DTE, TYPE: T***
(The case of this character must be consistent with the case used in Step 1. Mixed case prefixes such as aT or At are not recognized.)
This must be entered within 10 seconds after receiving the echoed characters.
PRESS: Enter
The screen displays OK.
The modem is now in AT Recovery mode, and remains in this state until a Save or power reset occurs. While in this mode, you can use AT commands to make any necessary changes to configuration options.
Keep in mind that the &C command is changed to Forced On (&C0), the &M and &Q commands are changed to Async mode with AT commands enabled (&M0 and &Q0), and the &S command is changed to Forced On (&S0). If these settings are not appropriate, then reset them to a desired choice before exiting AT Recovery mode.
3.To save changes, use the &W command: TYPE: AT&Wn
Where: n is one of the following storage areas:
0 for Active (Saved)
1 for Customer 1
2 for Customer 2
PRESS: Enter
The modem exits AT Recovery mode and returns to its previous application environment.
August 1998 |