4. AT Command Set and
Command Guidelines
Review the following guidelines before using any AT Commands.
•The escape sequence (+ + +) is used to enter online Command mode from Data mode.
•The asynchronous character format for the AT command set must be one of the following:
±8 data bits + no parity + 1 stop bit.
±7 data bits + no parity + 2 stop bits.
±7 data bits + parity + 1 stop bit (parity can be odd, even, mark, or space).
•All commands except A/ (Repeat Last Command) and + + +
must begin with the characters AT and end by pressing the Enter key. The AT (or at) prefix clears the command buffer and matches the modem speed and parity to that of the DTE. Commands can be upper- or lowercase, but the modem does not recognize mixed case prefixes (At or aT).
•Commands can be entered one at a time or in strings. Strings can have up to 40 characters after the AT prefix. You can use spaces, hyphens
•Some commands can be accompanied by a numeric value, shown in Table
•The A/ command (without pressing the Enter key) causes the modem to repeat the last command entered.
•Valid commands are acknowledged with numeric or word result codes (unless the result codes have been disabled using the Q1 command).
August 1998 |