1. Introduction
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Model 3830 LEDs
Label | Color | Indicates |
yellow | Rate | |
| ON. The modem is connected at a data rate | |
| lower than the data rate it is configured for. | |
| OFF. The modem is connected at its | |
| configured data rate. | |
yellow | AT Command Set | |
| ON. The AT command set is disabled. | |
| OFF. The AT command set is enabled. | |
| Slow Flash. The modem will not respond to all | |
| AT commands due to the setting of the AT | |
| Command Mode configuration option (see | |
| S84 in Chapter 4). Or, the modem has been | |
| configured to reload settings from Active | |
| (Saved) to Active (Operating) upon a | |
| disconnect. | |
August 1998 |