R (Reverse dial), 499
Rate Auto Originate (S36), 4934 Rate Control (CT111), 4941 recovering use of AT commands, 299 redialing, automatic, 4935
remote access (S55), 4940
Remote Access Password
Repeat Last Command (A/), 497
reset (ATZ), 4913
Result Code Control (ATQ), 4911
result codes, 494 extended, 4912
Result Codes Format (ATV), 4911 retrain (S81), 4946
return to command mode, 499 return to Online mode (ATO), 4910 ring number (S0), 4930
RTS Action (&R), 4919
RTS9to9CTS Delay (S26), 4933
changing, 4911
displaying, 4911
list of, 4930
S0 (Auto9Answer RIng Number), 4930
S10 (No Carrier Disconnect), 4932
S12 (Escape Guard Time), 4932
S18 (Test Timeout), 4933
S2 (Escape Character), 4931
S26 (RTS9to9CTS Delay), 4933
S3 (Carriage Return Character), 4931
August 1998 |