| Glossary |
tone dialing | One of two dialing methods, in which telephone |
| numbers are sent as tones across the telephone |
| lines. |
training | A process where two modems try to establish a |
| connection over the VF line. |
UL | Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. |
UNIX Dial | A factory preset configuration area containing the |
| configuration options most often used in a UNIXr |
| dial network. |
USOC | Universal Service Ordering Codes. |
VF | Voice Frequency. The part of the audio |
| frequency range used to transmit voice sound |
| (usually 300 Hz to 3400 Hz). This band is used by |
| the modem for its modulated signal. |
XOFF | A character that tells the DTE or modem to stop |
| transmitting data. |
XON | A character that tells the DTE or modem to start or |
| resume transmitting data. |
August 1998 |