COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems ± Model 3830
(13 of 20)
Model 3830 S-Registers
S62 V.25bis Coding
Identifies to the modem the type of coding used by the DTE while in V.25bis mode.
Register has the following values:
Factory setting is ASCII.
S63 V.25bis Idle Character
Identifies to the modem the type of idle fill used by the DTE while in V.25bis mode.
Register has the following values:
0 = Mark
1 = Flag
Factory setting is Mark.
S64 V.25bis New Line Character
Identifies to the modem the type of line terminator used by the DTE while in V.25bis mode.
Register has the following values:
0 = Carriage Return and Line Feed
1 = Carriage Return
2 = Line Feed
Factory setting is carriage return and line feed (CR + LF).
August 1998 |