4. AT Command Set and
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Model 3830 AT Commands
Xn, continued
Sets the modem to monitor for Busy Tone (Enable) or ignore Busy Tone (Disable).
Disable. Modem ignores busy tone.
Enable. Modem monitors for busy tone.
Yn Long Space Disconnect
Determines the modem's response to a continuous spacing condition sent from the remote modem when it goes
Y0 Disable. Ignores long space.
Y1 Enable. Disconnects if long space is detected. Enables transmission of a long space.
Zn Reset and Load Active
Z0 Loads configuration options from Active (Saved) to Active (Operating). Z1 Loads configuration options from Customer 1 to Active (Operating).
Z2 Loads configuration from Customer 2 to Active (Operating).
Z3 Loads configuration options from Active (Saved) to Active (Operating) and performs a reset.
Z9 Performs a full modem reset as if the modem were powered off and on.
August 1998 |