
Searching for and selecting a location




5Touch the key next to “State:” and

touch the desired state, province, or terri- tory on the list.

The screen returns to the previous screen.

6Touch the key next to “City:” to enter the city name.

7 Enter the city name or Zip code.

8 Touch the desired city name.

! When a city is already set, touching [City

Searching for


Center] allows you to select the representa-


tive location of the city and proceed to the


sired one from the list.

“Map Confirmation Screen”.


9 Enter the street name and touch the de-


! When a street is already set, touching



[Street Center] allows you to select the re-


presentative point of the street and proceed


to the “Map Confirmation Screen”.


! When a street is already set, touching [In-


tersection] allows you to search for an in-


tersection. After entering the second street


name and selecting the desired intersec-


tion, the “Map Confirmation Screen” ap-


pears. This is useful when you don’t know


the house number or cannot input the


house number of the selected street.


10 Enter the house number and then


touch [Done].


! If the house number you have entered is


not found, a message appears. In that case,


touch [OK] and try entering the existing


house number.


!When the options are narrowed down to six or less, those are automatically listed.

!If you want to list the options matching to the current information entered, touch [Done].

!Touching [History] displays the list of cities that you selected before.

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Pioneer F500BT operation manual Center allows you to select the representa, Tive location of the city and proceed to