Command Line Interface (CLI) |
Set Basic Configuration Parameters using CLI Commands
Figure A-13 Results of “show wif” CLI command for an AP
Enable 802.11d Support and Set the Country Code
Perform the following command to enable 802.11d IEEE 802.11d support for additional regulatory domains.
Perform the following command to set a country code:
[Device-Name]>set syscountrycode <country code>
Select a country code from the following table. Note that not all countries are available for all products. This table is derived from ISO 3166.
Country | Code | Country | Code | Country | Code |
Algeria | DZ | Honduras | HN | Panama | PA |
Albania | AL | Hong Kong | HK | Papua New Guinea | PG |
Argentina | AR | Hungary | HU | Peru | PE |
Armenia | AM | Iceland | IS | Philippines | PH |
Australia | AU | India | IN | Poland | PL |
Austria | AT | Indonesia | ID | Portugal | PT |
Azerbaijan | AZ | Ireland 5.8 GHz | I1 | Puerto Rico | PR |
Bahrain | BH | Israel | IL | Qatar | QA |
Belarus | BY | Italy | IT | Romania | RO |
Belgium | BE | Jamaica | JM | Russia | RU |
Belize | BZ | Japan | JP | Samoa | WS |
Bolivia | BO | Japan2 | J2 | Saudi Arabia | SA |
Brazil | BR | Jordan | JO | Singapore | SG |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | Kazakhstan | KZ | Slovak Republic | SK |
Bulgaria | BG | North Korea | KP | Slovenia | SI |
Canada | CA | Korea Republic | KR | South Africa | ZA |