Command Line Interface (CLI) |
| |||
Parameter Tables |
| |
Serial Port Parameters |
| |
| Name | Type | Value | Access | CLI Parameter |
| Serial | Group | N/A | R | serial |
| Baud Rate | Integer | 2400, 4800,9600 | RW | serbaudrate |
| (default), 19200, 38400, |
| 57600 |
| Data Bits | Integer | 8 | R | serdatabits |
| Parity | Integer | none | R | serparity |
| Stop Bits | Integer | 1 | R | serstopbits |
| Flow Control | Value | none (default) | RW | serflowctrl |
| xonxoff |
RADIUS Based Management Access Parameters
The RADIUS Based Management Access parameters allow you to enable HTTP or Telnet Radius Management Access, enable or disable local user access, and configure the local user password.
The default local user ID is root and the default local user password is public. “Root” cannot be configured as a valid user for RADIUS based management access when local user access is enabled.
| Name | Type | Value | Access | CLI Parameter |
| Radius Local User Status | Integer | enable | RW | radlocaluserstatus |
| disable |
| Radius Local User | DisplayString | User Defined | RW | radlocaluserpasswd |
| Password |
| HTTP Radius | Integer | enable | RW | httpradiusmgmtaccess |
| Management Access |
| disable |
| Telnet Radius | Integer | enable | RW | telradiusmgmtaccess |
| Management Access |
| disable |
SSH Parameters |
The following commands enable or disable SSH and set the SSH host key.
Name | Type | Value | Access | CLI Parameter |
SSH Status | Integer | enable | RW | sshstatus |
| disable |
SSH Public Host Key | DisplayString | AP Generated | RW | sshkeyfprint |
Fingerprint |
SSH Host Key Status | Integer | create | RW | sshkeystatus |
| delete |
The AP SSH feature,
Clients | Version | Website |
OpenSSH | http://www.openssh.com | |
Putty | Rel 0.53b | http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk |
Zoc | 5.00 | http://www.emtec.com |
Axessh | V2.5 | http://www.labf.com |
For key generation, only the OpenSSH client has been verified.