0 | 2 – Using SANsurfer Switch Manager | |
| ||
| SANsurfer Switch Manager User Interface | |
Faceplate Display Shortcut Keys
The shortcut keys for the faceplate display are shown in Table
Table 2-2. Faceplate Display Shortcut Keys
Shortcut | Selection |
| Shortcut | Selection |
Ctrl+O | File>Open View File |
| Alt+S, T | Switch>Features |
Alt+F, O |
Alt+F, A | File>Save View As |
| Alt+S, W | Switch>Download Support File |
Alt+F, D | File>Save Default Fabric |
| Alt+P, 2 | Port>Port Properties |
| View File |
Alt+F, R | File>Preferences |
| Alt+P, 0 | Port>Port Properties 10G |
| (zero) |
Alt+F, N | File>Nicknames |
| Alt+P, N | Port>Port Symbolic Name |
Alt+F, X | File>Exit |
| Alt+P, T | Port>Reset Port |
Alt+B, A | Fabric>Add Fabric |
| Alt+P, L | Port>Port Loopback Test |
Alt+B, R | Fabric>Remove Fabric |
| Alt+Z, E | Zoning>Edit Zoning |
Alt+B, F | Fabric>FabricTracker |
| Alt+Z, C | Zoning>Edit Zoning Config |
+S | Save Snapshot |
+A | Analyze Snapshot |
Alt+B, E | Fabric>Show Event Browser |
| Alt+Z, A | Zoning>Activate Zone Set |
Alt+S, A | Switch>Archive |
| Alt+Z, D | Zoning>Deactivate Zone Set |
Alt+S, R | Switch>Restore |
| Alt+Z, R | Zoning>Restore Default Zoning |
Alt+S, U | Switch>User Accounts |
| Alt+W, C | Wizards>Configuration Wizard |
Alt+S, D | Switch>Set Date/Time |
| Alt+W, E | Wizards>Ext Credit Wizard |
Alt+S, P | Switch>Switch Properties |
| Alt+W, Z | Wizards>Zoning Wizard |
Alt+S, N | Switch>Network Properties |
| Alt+V, R | View>Refresh |
| F5 |
Alt+S, S | Switch>SNMP Properties |
| Alt+V, T | View>View Port Types |
Alt+S, G | Switch>Toggle Beacon |
| Alt+V, S | View>View Port States |
Alt+S, C | Switch>Port Threshold |
| Alt+V, E | View>View Port Speeds |
| Alarm Configuration |