Fax via Computer

LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor

LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor helps you edit LAN-Fax cover sheets.

Operating systems

Microsoft Windows 98/Me Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0

Auto Run program

The installers for various drivers and utilities launch automatically as Auto Run programs when you insert the CD-ROM.

LAN-Fax Driver, Address Book, and LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor can be installed by Auto Run.


If the plug and play function starts, click [Cancel] in the [New Hardware Found],

[Device Driver Wizard], or [Found New Hardware Wizard] dialog box, and then in- sert the CD-ROM. The [New Hardware Found], [Device Driver Wizard], or [Found New Hardware Wizard] dialog box appears depending on the system version of Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000/XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows NT 4.0.

Auto Run might not work automatically with certain OS settings. If this is the case, double-click “Setup.exe”, located on the CD-ROM root directory.

If you want to cancel Auto Run, hold down the {SHIFT} key (when your sys-

tem is Windows 2000/Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, hold down the left {SHIFT} key) while inserting the CD-ROM. Keep the {SHIFT} key held down until the computer stops reading the CD-ROM.

Clicking [Cancel] during installation aborts the installation. If you cancel the installation, restart your computer and install the rest of the software or print- er driver.


If your operating system is Windows 2000/XP or Windows Server 2003, in- stalling a printer driver using Auto Run requires Administrator permissions. When you install LAN-Fax Driver using Auto Run, log on using an account that has Administrator permissions.