Searching for a Destination in the Address Book

G Select a destination using {U} or {T}, and then press {V} to specify it (put a tick against it).


Multiple destinations can be selected.

Press {W} to deselect a destination.

H Press the {OK} key.


If no destination matches the specified text, the “Specified destination is not programmed.” message appears. Press [Exit] to return to the dis- play of step D.

You cannot specify destinations twice. If you try, the “This destination has already been programmed.” message appears. Press [Exit] to return to the standby screen.

Press [Add Dest] to specify other destinations.


“Entering Text”, About This Machine

Search by Destination List

Follow these steps to search for a destination registered in the Address Book using the destination list.


If [LDAP Search] is set to [Off] in Administrator Tools, in the System Settings menu, the display for selecting either [Search Address Book] or [Search LDAP] does not appear.

A Press [] to switch the destination to fax number, e-mail address, or IP-Fax destination.