Enable H.323, 9 Enable SIP, 9

Entering an e-mail address, 53 Entering an IP-Fax destination, 49 Entering a pause, 48

Entering a tone, 48

Entering numbers using the number keys, 47 Escape key, 7

External telephone, 85, 121


Facsimile key, 6 Fax Features, 9

Fax Header Print, 102 Fax via computer, 157 Fine, 44

Folder TX Result Report, 9 Forwarding, 9 Forwarding destination, 127 Forwarding received documents, 127 Full mode, 32, 178

Function list, 9

Functions not available for e-mail reception, 31 Functions not available for

e-mail transmission, 31 Functions not available for IP-Fax transmission, 27


G3 Analog Line, 9

Gatekeeper (VoIP gatekeeper), 26 Gateway Settings, 9

Gateway (VoIP gateway), 26 General Settings/Adjust, 9


H.323, 26

H.323 Settings, 9

Handset, 85, 121, 182

How to Read This Manual, 5


If memory runs out while storing an original, 21 If the machine cannot detect the size of

your original, 38

If there is no paper of the correct size, 136 Image density (contrast), 45

Image Density key, 45 Image Rotation, 134 Immediate Reception, 117 Immediate Transmission, 13, 21 Immediate TX Result Report, 146 Important Safety Instructions, 4 Installing individual applications, 161 Internet fax destination machines, 185 Internet Fax functions, 28

Internet Fax Settings, 9 IP, 77

IP-Fax functions, 24 IP-Fax Settings, 9


JBIG reception, 130 JBIG transmission, 44

Job Information key, 89, 139, 143, 148, 150 Journal, 149, 151

Journal by e-mail,153 Just size printing, 137


Label Insertion, 104

LAN-Fax Cover Sheet Editor, 160, 174 LAN-Fax Driver, 157, 159 LAN-Fax operation messages, 177 LAN-Fax Result Report, 171

LDAP Search, 67 LDAP server, 67 Lighter key, 45