Transmission Modes

If memory runs out while storing an original

If you run out of memory while storing an original (free space reaches 0%), the “Memory is full. Scanning will be stopped and only scanned page(s)



will be stored.” message appears. Press [Exit] to transmit stored pages only.



When this happens, only the scanned pages are sent. If you want to delete the scanned pages and cancel transmission in this case, contact your service rep- resentative.

ECM (Error Correction Mode)

If part of a transmission fails because of a line problem, the lost data is automatically resent.


For this function to work, the other machine must have ECM.

This function is not available with Internet Fax.

Immediate Transmission

Immediate Transmission is possible with standard fax transmission and IP-Fax transmission.


Internet Fax is executed in only Memory Transmission that starts transmis- sion automatically after storing documents in memory. If you specify Imme- diate Transmission in Internet Fax, the “Try again after switching to memory transmission.” message appears. When this happens, press [Exit], and then switch to Memory Transmission.

Group cannot be used for Immediate Transmission. You cannot send the same document to multiple destinations (broadcasting). If you specify a group, the “Try again after switching to memory transmission.” message appears. When this happens, press [Exit], and then switch to Memo- ry Transmission.