E-mail Settings

Function name






Internet Fax Settings

You can select to display

or not.



When you want to send an Internet Fax, set


On to display the icon.




Maximum E-mail Size

Use this setting to limit the size of sent e-


mail, so that destinations that refuse e-mail


over a certain size can still receive your e-


mail. When this function is set to on, you


cannot send e-mail that is larger than the


specified limit.




SMTP RX File Delivery

This function is available on systems that al-


low routing of e-mail received via SMTP.




IP-Fax Settings

Function name




Enable H.323

Specify whether or not H.323 is used for IP-


Fax transmission.



Enable SIP

Specify whether or not SIP is used for IP-Fax





H.323 Settings

Set the IPv4 address or host name of the gate-


keeper and alias telephone number.



SIP Settings

Set the SIP server's IPv4 address and SIP user





Gateway Settings

Register, change, or delete the gateway used


for transmission to IP-Fax. Register to use the


gateway without using the gatekeeper/SIP

