Unit 3: Interface Secifications
The data stream is received from the host to the printer one job at a time. This allows the software program to maintain control of the job print queue so that it can move a high priority job in front of ones of lesser importance.
The printer receives and prints one job at a time. If a print job exceeds the buffer size, transmission will be rejected by the printer. Error conditions that occur during the Print Data transmission will cause the printer to return a NAK.
If the command structure is error free, the printer proceeds with the print operation. When the print operation is completed, a Printer Status message is returned to the host. If an error was detected during the initial transmission sequence, a NAK (15H) will be returned signalling to the host that the received transmission contained errors and must be resent. If the returned Status byte indicates a command structure error, the error must then be corrected before the print data is resent to the printer.
A valid transmission to the printer must be bounded by an STX/ETX pair, with the STX (02H) signifying the start of the Print Data and ending with an ETX (03H) signifying the end.
SATO MB2i Service Manual | PN 9001145B | Page |