STP (150 Ohm) Cable ModeThe transmitter can be configured to drive 150 Ohm shielded twisted pair cable. The STP mode can be selected by appropriately setting the cable type select bit in the PHY MI serial port Configuration 1 register. When STP mode is enabled, the output current is automatically adjusted to comply with IEEE 802.3 levels.
Transmit DisableThe TP transmitter can be disabled by setting the transmit disable bit in the PHY Ml serial port Configuration 1 register. When the transmit disable bit is set, the TP transmitter is forced into the idle state, no data is transmitted, no link pulses are transmitted, and internal loopback is disabled.
Transmit PowerdownThe TP transmitter can be powered down by setting the transmit powerdown bit in the PHY Ml serial port Configuration 1 register. When the transmit powerdown bit is set, the TP transmitter is powered down, the TP transmit outputs are high impedance, and the rest of the LAN91C111 operates normally.
7.7.8Twisted Pair ReceiverReceiver - 100 MbpsThe TX receiver detects input signals from the twisted pair input and converts it to a digital data bit stream ready for dock and data recovery. The receiver can reliably detect data from a
The TX receiver consists of an adaptive equalizer, baseline wander correction circuit, comparators, and
The 10 Mbps receiver is able to detect input signals from the twisted pair cable that are within the template shown in Figure 7.5. The inputs are biased by internal resistors. The TP inputs pass through a low pass filter designed to eliminate any high frequency noise on the input. The output of the receive filter goes to two different types of comparators, squelch and zero crossing. The squelch comparator determines whether the signal is valid, and the zero crossing comparator is used to sense the actual data transitions once the signal is determined to be valid. The output of the squelch comparator goes to the squelch circuit and is also used for link pulse detection, SOI detection, and reverse polarity detection; the output of the zero crossing comparator is used for clock and data recovery in the Manchester decoder.
SMSC LAN91C111 REV C | 33 | Revision 1.91 |