Making Variations of Printouts (Continued)
If the printout is blurred
When you make a printout of a full image, or two or four reduced images captured in memory in FRAME mode, the images on a printout may be blurred. Should this occur, change the memory mode setting to FIELD, then print it again. Although the blur should be eliminated, the ultimate print quality will be slightly degraded.
Select the FIELD mode by pressing the MEMORY FRM/FLD button. (See “Selecting the memory mode” on page 33.)
* | * |
| MEMORY | : |
| f r ame / |
| |
* | * | F I E L D | ||||
| ||
| |
MEMORY : | FRAME/FIELD | Display FIELD in capital letters. | ||||
Switch FIELD to green.
•This function is available only when one of either full image, or two or four reduced images is selected to be captured in memory.
•Usually, it is recommended that you make printouts in FRAME mode. To confirm the memory mode setting, press the MEMORY FRM/FLD button. The currently selected memory mode appears for about three seconds, then disappears.
To confirm whether the captured images are blurred on the video monitor
You can check whether the full image, or the two or four reduced images captured in memory are blurred on the video monitor.
When you select full image: You can check whether the captured image is blurred by displaying the memory image on the video monitor.
When you select two or four reduced images to be captured: Press the MOTION CHECK button to set the MOTION CHECK function to ON. You can check whether the reduced images captured in memory are blurred on the video monitor. In this case, the image on the video monitor will be slightly degraded.
The MOTION CHECK function is available only for the images displayed on the video monitor. To eliminate blur from the printout, change the memory mode setting to FIELD. (See “If the printout is blurred” on this page.)