96116 • Revision: KA Contents xiii
Log in to the SL Console 29
Log Off the SL Console 29
Change a User Password 29
SL Console Screen Display 30
Synchronizing the Display With the Controller Database 31
Modifying the Screen Layout 32
Local Operator Panel 33
Enter Data Using the Keypad 33
Modify Data Using the Keypad 33
Log in to the Local Operator Panel 34
Standalone SL Console 35
Security Considerations 35
Installation Requirements 35
Standalone SL Console Installation 36
Download and Initiate the Standalone SL Console Installer from the Sun
Download Site 36
Install the Standalone SL Console 36
Log in to the Standalone SLConsole 41
Standalone SL Console Updates 41
Web-launched SLConsole 42
Security Considerations 42
Client Requirements 42
Web-launched SL Console Updates 42
Starting the Web-launched SLConsole on a Client 43
Log in to the Web-launched SL Console Using a Browser or Command
Line 43
Log in to the Web-launched SL Console Using an Icon 49
SL Console Reports 53
Report Types 53
Generate a Report 53
Report Options Bar 54
Search the report for a specified text string 54
Update the report with current data 54
Save the data to a file 54