Partition Summary Screens
208 SL500 User’s Guide • July 2008 Revision: KA • 96116
Partitions—Summary (Step 2)—Delete Partition
Sample Screen
Allows you to confirm that you want to delete the specified partition. All information
for the partition—including host-partition connections, partition boundaries, and
partition ID—are deleted from the SLConsole partition workspace.
This screen is a popup that appears when you click Delete Partition on the
Partitions—Summary (Step 2).
Caution – Information in the SLConsole partition workspace is saved to the library
controller database only through the Commit (Step4) screen. If your SL Console
session ends or you refresh the workspace data before you have committed your
updates through the Commit (Step 4) screen, you will lose any partition changes you
have made through the Summary(Step 2) and Design (Step 3) screens and all
associated popups.
Screen Fields
Click to update the SL Console partition workspace with the current screen settings
and return to the previous screen.
Note – Clicking this button does not update the library controller database.
Click to discard the current screen settings and return to the previous screen.
See Also
Partitions—Summary (Step2 )