Additional Information
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Sun) offers several methods for you to obtain additional information.
Sun’s external Web Site
Sun’s external Web site provides marketing, product, event, corporate, and service information. The external Web site is accessible to anyone with a Web browser and an Internet connection.
The URL is: http://www.sun.com
The URL for Sun StorageTek
SunSolve and Helpful Links
SunSolve and the Sun links below are Web sites that enable members to search from technical documentation, downloads, patches, features, articles, and the Sun Systems Handbook.
■Library firmware and SL Console code downloads: http://http://www.sun.com/download/index.jsp
■Drivers: http://www.sun.com/download/index.jsp
■Documentation (customer): http://docs.sun.com/app/docs
■General product information:
■SunSolve External site: http://sunsolve.sun.com
■Sun System Handbook (customer):
http://sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/validateUser.do?target= index
■Sun Learning
Partners Site
TheSun StorageTek Partners site is for partners with a StorageTek Partner Agreement. This site provides information about products, services, customer support, upcoming events, training programs, and sales tools to support StorageTek Partners. Access to this site is restricted. On the Partners Login page, Sun employees nd current partners who do not have access can request a login ID and password, and prospective partners can apply to become StorageTek resellers.
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