gripper The portion of the hand assembly that grasps and holds a cartridge.
hand assembly A part of the library robot whose function is to grasp cartridges and move them between storage cells and tape drives. A
host audit The process of updating the cartridge VOLIDs and locations (collected by a security audit) in a host CDS. This audit is initiated by a host command.
import The process of placing a cartridge into the cartridge access port so that the robot can insert it into a storage cell.
Synonymous with enter.
interface card See MPW/RLW card or MPU2 card.
interlock switch A switch that disconnects power to library mechanisms, excluding tape drives, when the front door is opened.
initialization The initialization procedure that activates a machine reset, initiates
logical library A virtual representation of a physical library.
magazine A removable array that holds cartridges and is placed into the cartridge access port (CAP).
manual crank A mechanism used to raise the X table assembly up to its home position when the library has lost power.
MPU2 card A Fibre Channel interface for the SL500 library.
MPW/RLW card A SCSI interface for the SL500 library.
opened Status indicating that software has made a CAP available for operator use. An LED is on when a CAP is unlocked.
PCI Peripheral component interconnect. See also cPCI®.
96116 • Revision: KA | Glossary 393 |