Packet 6 Parameters

Network Configuration, Initial 2829Password

Changing 86

Web Interface 33 Default

Serial/Telnet Interface 41 Web Interface 33

Protection 2427Size 64

PDU 108

Physical Specifications 3 Position 1, 18, 31, 89 Power Specifications 5 Precision 9293

PRN Number for Satellite 56 Procomm 40

Protocols, List of Supported 6


Rack Mounting Instructions 11 RAM 65

test status (F100 ST) 65 Receiver 13

Reference Timestamp 94 Remote Control

Lockout (F100 LOCK) 76 Remote Control/Configuration Lockout (F100 LOCK) 26

NTP 36


Through Web Pages 31 RFC-1155 6

RFC-1157 6, 107 RFC-1212 6 RFC-1213 6, 107108

RFC-13052, 6, 91, 94, 100 RFC-13216, 100 RFC-1354107 RFC-20302, 6, 95 RFC-2068 and 2616 6 RFC-21326

RFC-854 6 RFC-867 6, 106 RFC-868 2, 6, 125, 127 RFC-959 6

RG-58 13 RG-59 3, 13 RJ-11 9, 12, 16 RJ-45 2, 8, 12, 16 Rolling Redundancy 22 Root Delay 93 RS-232 8, 12, 16, 42

Pinouts and Signal Levels 42


Satellite 13 Acquisition 1718Current 56 Enabled 56 Good/Bad 56

Number Currently Tracked (F53) 55 PRN Number 56

Tracked List 56

Security 2427,33, 86 Automatic Time Out 27 SNMP 108

Self Test Status (F100 ST) 65 Serial 2, 8, 12, 33, 40, 42

Access 4247

Remote Control Lockout (F100 LOCK) 76 Commands

and Responses, Common Elements 53 List 5152

Semicolon used as replacement 50 Interface, Login Passwords 86

Server 6, 31, 61 Renaming 70, 75

Session 40, 47, 8990Timers 48


SNMP 6, 8, 29, 107108Configuration

Using FTP 72

Using the Internet 38

"get" and "set" Commands 67 SNTP 2, 6, 8

Client 6

V 3.0 Data Format (RFC-2030) 95 Software Version Request

F100 VER 66

F18 54 Specifications

Environmental 4 Interface 8

Internal Timing Performance 5 NTP Synchronization 6 Physical 3

Power 5

Status Indicators (LED) 7 Status Message Window 33 Storage Altitude 4 Stratum 9293

Structure of Management Information (SMI) 6 Subnet Mask (F100 SM) 63

Supported Applications 8 Supported Protocols 6 Survey Static Mode 55


TimeVault™ User’s Manual

6000-100IX.fm Rev. D

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Symmetricom Time Server user manual Index-iv