Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions | Function Commands |
4.3.6F67 – Leap Second Information
Use Function 67 to retrieve information regarding upcoming leap seconds. This is satellite information and cannot be changed through the unit. Although UTC leap second adjustments may be performed on four occasions annually, in practice they are only performed twice: June 30th and December 31st.
To return the leap second status, send the following command:
F67<Enter> |
where |
F | = | ASCII character |
F | = | function number |
<Enter> | = | input line terminator |
<CR><LF> | = | output line terminator |
An example of the response might be:
F67 06/30/96 +1 <CR><LF>
This response indicates there is a leap second addition during the last minute of June 30, 1996.
If there was no leap second pending, the response might be:
F67 none <CR><LF>
4.3.7F72 – Fault Status Request
Use Function F72 to display the status of the antenna feed circuit, and GPS lock status fault detectors within the unit.
To display the status of the fault detectors, send the following command:
The unit responds:
F72<SP>Antenna: <ANT STATUS> GPS: <GPS STATUS><CR><LF> where:
F | = | ASCII character F |
72 | = | function number |
<SP> | = | space |
<CR><LF> | = | output line terminator |
Sample entry: | F72<Enter> | |
The response might be: | F72 Antenna: OK GPS: Locked<CR><LF> |
TimeVault™ User’s Manual |