Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions | Extended Function Commands |
Unit example execution:
Burning file
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4.4.20F100 K I L L - Reboot
Use K I L L after upgrading software, to reboot the unit.
K I L L is a
To reboot the unit, send the following command:
F100 K<SP>I<SP>L<SP>L<Enter>
The unit responds:
Are you sure? (y/N)
If you answer “y” and press Enter, the unit executes the command.
As a safety feature, after sending this command, you have 10 seconds to respond affirmatively (enter the letter “y”) to the confirmation prompt, after which the unit executes the command and resets. Within that 10 second time period, any other response, including no response, results in the unit canceling the command.
When using F100 K I L L via the Serial Port, pressing Y then Enter will begin the reboot, which will be logged on the terminal as shown below.
Unit example execution (Serial Port):
System Power On Self Test Results: Serial Loopback Test Passed.
Initialization Successfully Completed.
Press Enter, then you can log in again.
When using F100 K I L L via Telnet, pressing Y then Enter will begin the reboot, but will disconnect the Telnet session. Nothing will show on the terminal, and pressing Enter again will close the screen (if it hasn’t closed automatically already).
TimeVault™ User’s Manual |