Extended Function Commands

Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions



after sending a command to the modem, the time



interval, in seconds, that TimeVault waits for a



modem response before timing out



duration, in seconds, of a single ACTS session,



starting after the modem detects a carrier



reserved for factory calibration only; do not change



time interval, in minutes, between call attempts



set to ON by default; do not change



baud rate, set to 9600 by default; reserved for



factory calibration only; do not change



reserved for factory calibration only; do not change



determines time precision vs. risk of unsuccessful



call; reserved for factory calibration only; do not






calibration of the phone line; reserved for factory



calibration only; do not change



modem initialization string; reserved for factory



calibration only; do not change

2.Edit the data in the “acts.conf” file by adding or renaming servers from this list.

3.Return the revised data to TimeVault by sending a “set” command:

F100 config set acts host: dir:temp

TimeVault responds: Are you sure? (y/N)<CR><LF>

If you answer “y”, TimeVault responds as follows*, then resets:

Source file temp/acts.conf bytes read: 149

Dest File/config/acts.conf bytes written: 149

Configuration files transferred successfully!

*<CR><LF> follows each line

As a safety feature, after sending this command, you have 10 seconds to respond affirmatively (enter the letter “y”) to the confirmation prompt, after which TimeVault executes the command and resets. Within that 10 second time period, any other response, including no response, results in TimeVault canceling the command.

When sending a “set” command, the last number in TimeVault’s response (“149” in this example) represents file length. Depending on your parameters, this number may vary.

6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D

TimeVault™ User’s Manual


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Image 89
Symmetricom Time Server user manual If you answer y, TimeVault responds as follows*, then resets