TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual 85
NOTE. The oscilloscopemust display a waveform forthe cursors and
cursor readouts to appear.
Key Points
Cursor Movement. Use the CURSOR 1 and CURSOR 2 knobs to move
cursors 1 and 2. You can move the cursors only while the Cursor
Menu is displayed.
Voltagecursors Time cursors
U in Level and Delta Readouts. Verticalsensitivity should match on
waveforms used for math operations. If they do not mat ch, and you
use cursors to measure the waveform result of a math operation, a U
displays that represents unknown.
Default Setup
Push the DEFAULT SETUP button to recall most of the factory
option and control settings, but not all. For more information, re fer to
Appendix D: Default Setup on page 175.