TDS2CMA Communications Module
142 TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Checking Command Status
If you want to check the status of each com mand sent, you can
append an *STB? query after every comm and and read the response
Processing Break Signals
When the oscilloscopesenses a break signal on the RS-232 port,it
returns DCL followedby the end of line terminator. Internally,the
oscilloscope acts as if it received a GPIB <DCL> command,causing
the oscilloscope toerase the contents of the input and output buffers
and then wait for a new command. Brea k signals do not change
oscilloscope settingsor stored data and do not interrupt front-panel
operation or nonprogrammable functi ons.
If a break signal is sent in the middle of a character stream, severa l
characters immediately precedingor following the break can be lost.
The controller should wait until i t receives the DCL and the end of
line terminator string before sending more charac ters.
RS-232 Connector Pinout Diagram
The next figure shows the pin numbering and signal a ssignments for
the TDS2CMA RS-232 connector.