Application Examples
70 TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
For a more stable display, push the SINGLE SEQ button to control
the acquisition of the waveform.Each time you push the SINGLE
SEQ button, the oscilloscopeacquires a snapshot of the digital data
stream. You can use the cursors or automatic measurementsto
analyze the waveform, or you can store the waveform to analyze
NOTE. Vertical sensitivity should match on waveforms used for math
operations. If they do not match, and you use cursors to measure the
waveform result, a Udisplays that represents unknown in the level
and delta readouts.
Viewing Impedance Changes in a Network
You have designed a circuit that needs to operate over a wide
temperature range. You need to evaluatethe change in impedance of
the circuit as the ambient temperatureis changed.
Connect the oscilloscopeto monitor the input and output of the
circuit and capture the c hanges that occur as you vary the tempera-