Application Examples
52 TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
2. Turn the VOLTS/ DIV and VERTICAL POSITION knobs to set
the waveform amplitude to about five divisions.
3. Push the CH 1 MENU button to see the CH1 Menu if it is not
4. Push the Vo l t s/ D i v option button and select Fine.
5. Turn the VOLTS/ DIV knob to set the waveform amplitude to
exactly five divisions.
6. Turn the VERTICAL POSITIO N knob to center the waveform;
position the baselineof the waveform 2.5 divisions belowthe
center graticule.
7. Push the CURSOR button to see the Cursor Menu.
8. Push the Typ e option button and select Time.
9. Turn the CURSOR 1 knob to place the cursor at the poi nt where
the waveform crosses the second graticule line below center
screen. This is the 10% le vel of the waveform.