TDS2CMA Communications Module
150 TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Command Entry
When you enter oscilloscopecommands over the RS-232 or GPIB
bus, follow these general rules:
HYou can enter commands in upper or lower case.
HYoucan abbreviate many oscilloscope commands. These
abbreviations are shown in uppercase lett ers. Fore xample, the
command ACQuire:NUMAVg can be entered simply as
ACQ:NUMAV or acq:numav.
HYoucan precede any command with white space characters.
White space characters include any com bination of the ASCII
control characters 00 through 09 and 0B through 20 hexa decimal
(0 through 9 and 11 through 32 decimal).
HThe oscilloscope ignores commands that consist of just a
combination of whitespace characters and line feeds.
Refer to the TDS200-, TDS1000- and TDS2000-Series Digital
Oscilloscope ProgrammerManual (071-1075-XX) for more