Getting Started
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual 9
Probe Attenuation SettingProbes are available with various attenuation fa ctors which affect the
vertical scale of the signal. The Probe Check function veri fies that
the Probe attenuationoption matches the attenuation of the probe.
As an alternative method to Probe Chec k, you can push a vertical
menu button (such as the CH 1 MENU button), and select the Probe
option that matches the at tenuation factor of your probe.
NOTE. The default settingfor the Probe option is 10X.
Be sure that the Attenuation switch on the P2200 probe matches the
Probe option in the oscilloscope. Switch settingsare 1X and 10X.
Attenuation switch
NOTE. When the Attenuation switch i sset t o 1X, the P2200 probe
limits the bandwidth of the oscilloscope to 7 MHz. To use the full
bandwidth of the oscilloscope, be sure to set the switchto 10X.