Appendix A: Specifications
160 TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
OscilloscopeSpecifications (Cont.)
Trigger Frequency Counter
Readout Resolution 6dig its
Accuracy (typical) ±51 ppm including all frequency reference errors and ±1 count
Frequency Range AC coupled,10 H zminimum to rated bandwidth
Signal Source Pulse Width or Edge Trigger modes: all availabletrigger sources
The Frequency Counter measures trigger source at all times,
including when the oscilloscop e acquisition is halted due to
changes in the run status, or acquisitionof a single shot event
has completed.
Pulse Width Triggermode: The oscilloscope counts pulses of
significant magnitudeinside the 250 ms measurement window
that qualify as triggerable events, such as narrow pulses in a
PWM pulse train if setto < mode and the width is set to a
relatively small time.
Edge Trigger mode: The oscilloscope counts all edges of
sufficientmagnitude and correct polarity.
Video Trigger mode: The Frequency Counter does not operate.