TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual 91
NOTE. You can push the horizontal option buttons to switch between
an entire waveform display and an enlarged, more detailed part of it.
The axis for vertical scale is the ground level. A readout near the top
right of the screen displaysthe current horizontal position in seconds.
An M indicates theMain time base and a W indicates the Window
time base. The oscilloscope alsoindicates horizontal position with an
arrow icon at the top of the gratic ule.
Knobs and Buttons
HORIZONTAL POSITION Knob. Use to control the positionof the trigger
relative to the center of thescreen.
SET TO ZERO Button. Use to set the horizontalposition to zero.
SEC/DIV Knob (Horizontal Scale). Use to change the horizontal time
scale to magnify or compress the waveform.
Key Points
SEC/DIV. If waveformacquisition is stopped (using the RUN/STOP or
SINGLE SEQ button), the SEC/DIV control expa nds or compresses
the waveform.