Application Examples
44 TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
3. Push the Typ e option button and select Freq.
The Val u e readout displays the measurem ent and updates.
NOTE. If a question mark (?) displays in the Value readout, turn the
VOLTS/DIV knob for the appropriatec hannel to increasethe
sensitivity or change the SEC/DIV setting.
4. Push the Back option button.
5. Push the second option button from the top; the Measure 2 Menu
6. Push the Typ e option button and select Period.
The Val u e readout displays the measurem ent and updates.
7. Push the Back option button.
8. Push the middle option button; the Measure 3 Menu appe ars.
9. Push the Typ e option button and select Pk-Pk.
The Val u e readout displays the measurem ent and updates.
10. Push the Back option button.