
186 TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual

RS--232 protocol
Break signals, 142
compared to GPIB standard, 179
conventions, 141
I/O errors, 141
setup options, 136
testing, 137
troubleshooting, 139
RUN/STOP button, 38, 77
steps taken by the oscilloscope
when pushed, 14
Sample mode, 17, 74, 75
Sample rate, maximum, 75
setups, 12, 97
waveforms, 98
SAVE/RECALLbutton, 38, 97
Scaling waveforms, basic concepts,
Scan mode, 78, 92
Scanning waveform, 92, 101
Screen button, xi
Screen data
printing, 133
sending to an external device,
SEC/DIV control, 36, 91
SECAM, 104
Security loop, 4
Service, 110
Service manual, ordering, 170
Service support, contact informa-
tion, xiii
SET TO 50% button, 37
SET TO ZERO button, 36
basic concepts, 12
saving and recalling, 97
Side--menu button, xi
Signal path compensation, 111
Sine waves, Autoset function, 81
SINGLE SEQ button, 77
steps taken by the oscilloscope
when pushed , 14
Single--shot signal, application
example, 56
Slope, 16
Soft case, ordering, 171
Soft keys, xi
AC Line, 102
Ext, 102
Ext/5, 102
trigger, 14, 100, 104, 105
oscilloscope, 151164
P2200 probe, 165167
Square wave, Autoset function, 82
miscellaneous, 111
system, 110
Sync pulse, 104
TDS2CMA module, 127
GPIB setup, 143
how to install and remove, 129
ordering, 169
printer setup, 131
RS--232 setup, 134
Technical support, contact informa-
tion, xiii
Tektronix,contacting, xiii
Time base, 18
Main, 36, 90
readout, 30
Window,36, 90
Time cursors, 25, 84