TDS2CMA Communications Module
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual 145
2. On the oscilloscope,push UTILITY "Options "GPIB Setup.
3. Push the Address option button to a ssigna unique address to the
4. Push the Bus Connection optionbutton to have the oscilloscope
start or stop using the GPIB bus.
Option Settings Comments
Address 0... 30 Sets oscilloscope GPIB bus address
Bus Connection Talk-Listen, Off-Bu s Select Talk-Listen to start oscillo -
scope GPIB bus communications.
Select Off-Bus tosto p oscilloscope
GPIB bus communications.
NOTE. The oscilloscopestores these settingsuntil you change them,
even if you push the DEFAULTSETUP button.
Testing the GPIB Interface
To test the oscilloscope GPIB interface, youwill need to refer to the
documentation that cam e with your controller.