Chapter 3: Function Graphing 100
Turning On or Turning Off a Stat Plot in the Y= Editor
Turning On or Turning Off a Stat Plot in the Y= EditorTurning On or Turning Off a Stat Plot in the Y= Editor
Turning On or Turning Off a Stat Plot in the Y= Editor
To view and change the on/off status of a stat plot in the Y=editor, use Plot1 Plot2 Plot3
(the top line of the Y= editor). When a plot is on, its name is highlighted on this line.
To change the on/off status of a stat plot from the Y=editor, press } and ~ to place the
cursor on Plot1, Plot2, or Plot3, and then press Í.
Selecting and Deselecting Functions from the Home Screen or a
Selecting and Deselecting Functions from the Home Screen or a Selecting and Deselecting Functions from the Home Screen or a
Selecting and Deselecting Functions from the Home Screen or a
To select or deselect a function from the home screen or a program, begin on a blank
line and follow these steps.
1. Press ~ to display the VARSY-VARS menu.
2. Select 4:On/Off to display the ON/OFF secondary menu.
3. Select 1:FnOn to turn on one or more functions or 2:FnOff to turn off one or more
functions. The instruction you select is copied to the cursor location.
4. Enter the number (1 through 9, or 0; not the variable Yn) of each function you want to
turn on or turn off.
If you enter two or more numbers, separate them with commas.
Plot1 is turned on.
Plot2 and Plot3 are turned off.