Chapter 11: Lists 248
Creating a List Name on the Home Screen
Creating a List Name on the Home ScreenCreating a List Name on the Home Screen
Creating a List Name on the Home Screen
To create a list name on the home screen, follow these steps.
1. Press y E, enter one or more list elements, and then press yF. Separate list
elements with commas. List elements can be real numbers, complex numbers, or
2. Press ¿.
3. Press ƒ [letter from A to Z or q] to enter the first letter of the name.
4. Enter zero to four letters, q, or numbers to complete the name.
5. Press Í. The list is displayed on the next line. The list name and its elements
are stored in memory. The list name becomes an item on the LISTNAMES menu.
Note: If you want to view a user-created list in the stat list editor, you must store it in
the stat list editor (Chapter 12).
You also can create a list name in these four places.
At the Name= prompt in the stat list editor