Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics and Distributions 339
Selecting Calculate or Draw for a Hypothesis Test
Selecting Calculate or Draw for a Hypothesis TestSelecting Calculate or Draw for a Hypothesis Test
Selecting Calculate or Draw for a Hypothesis Test
After you have entered all arguments in an inferential stat editor for a hypothesis test,
you must select whether you want to see the calculated results on the home screen
(Calculate) or on the graph screen (Draw).
Calculate calculates the test results and displays the outputs on the home screen.
Draw draws a graph of the test results and displays the test statistic and p-value with
the graph. The window variables are adjusted automatically to fit the graph.
To select Calculate or Draw, move the cursor to either Calculate or Draw, and then press
Í. The instruction is immediately executed.
Selecting Calculate for a Confidence Interval
Selecting Calculate for a Confidence IntervalSelecting Calculate for a Confidence Interval
Selecting Calculate for a Confidence Interval
After you have entered all arguments in an inferential stat editor for a confidence interval,
select Calculate to display the results. The Draw option is not available.
When you press Í, Calculate calculates the confidence interval results and displays
the outputs on the home screen.
Bypassing the Inferential Stat Editors
Bypassing the Inferential Stat EditorsBypassing the Inferential Stat Editors
Bypassing the Inferential Stat Editors
To paste a hypothesis test or confidence interval instruction to the home screen without
displaying the corresponding inferential stat editor, select the instruction you want from
the CATALOG menu. AppendixA describes the input syntax for each hypothesis test and
confidence interval instruction.