Chapter 6: Sequence Graphing 165
When uv, vw, or uw axes format is selected, value displays X and Y accor ding to the
axes format setting. For example, for uv axes format, X represents u(n) and Y
represents v(n).
Evaluating u, v, and w
Evaluating u, v, and wEvaluating u, v, and w
Evaluating u, v, and w
To enter the sequence names u, v, or w, press y [u], [v], or [w]. You can evaluate these
names in any of three ways.
Calculate the nth value in a sequence.
Calculate a list of values in a sequence.
Generate a sequence with u(nstart,nstop[,nstep]). nstep is optional; default is 1.
Graphing Web PlotsGraphing Web PlotsGraphing Web PlotsGraphing Web Plots
Graphing a Web Plot
Graphing a Web PlotGraphing a Web Plot
Graphing a Web Plot
To select Web axes format, press y . ~ Í. A web plot graphs u(n) versus
u(nN1), which you can use to study long-term behavior (convergence, divergence, or
oscillation) of a recursive sequence. You can see how the sequence may change
behavior as its initial value changes.