Chapter 11: Lists 268
Matr4list( (matrix stored to lists) fills each listname with elements from each column in
matrix. If the number of listname arguments exceeds the number of columns in matrix, then
Matr4list( ignores extra listname arguments. Likewise, if the number of columns in matrix
exceeds the number of listname arguments, then Matr4list( ignores extra matrix columns.
Matr4list(matrix,listname1,listname2,...,listname n)
Matr4list( also fills a listname with elements from a specified column# in matrix. To fill a list
with a specific column from matrix, you must enter a column# after matrix.
Ù preceding one to five characters identifies those characters as a user-created listname.
listname may comprise letters, q, and numbers, but it must begin with a letter from A to Z
or q.