Chapter 3: Function Graphing 109
RectGC, PolarGC
RectGC, PolarGCRectGC, PolarGC
RectGC, PolarGC
RectGC (rectangular graphing coordinates) displays the cursor location as rectangular
coordinates X and Y.
PolarGC (polar graphing coordinates) displays the cursor location as polar coordinates R
and q.
The RectGC/PolarGC setting determines which variables are updated when you plot the
graph, move the free-moving cursor, or trace.
RectGC updates X and Y; if CoordOn format is selected, X and Y are displayed.
PolarGC updates X, Y, R, and q; if CoordOn format is selected, R and q are
CoordOn, CoordOff
CoordOn, CoordOffCoordOn, CoordOff
CoordOn, CoordOff
CoordOn (coordinates on) displays the cursor coordinates at the bottom of the graph. If
ExprOff format is selected, the function number is displayed in the top-right corner.
CoordOff (coordinates off) does not display the function number or coordinates.
GridOff, GridOn
GridOff, GridOnGridOff, GridOn
GridOff, GridOn
Grid points cover the viewing window in rows that correspond to the tick marks on each
GridOff does not display grid points.