Chapter 11: Lists 270
min(, max(
min(, max(min(, max(
min(, max(
min( (minimum) and max( (maximum) return the smallest or largest element of listA. If two
lists are compared, it returns a list of the smaller or larger of each pair of elements in listA
and listB. For a complex list, the element with smallest or largest magnitude (modulus) is
Note: min( and max( are the same as min( and max( on the MATHNUM menu.
mean(, median(
mean(, median(mean(, median(
mean(, median(
mean( returns the mean value of list. median( returns the median value of list. The default
value for freqlist is 1. Each freqlist element counts the number of consecutive occurrences
of the corresponding element in list. Complex lists are not valid.