Chapter 2: Math, Angle, and Test Operations 54
Power, Square, Square Root
Power, Square, Square RootPower, Square, Square Root
Power, Square, Square Root
You can use ^ (power, ), 2 (square, ¡), and ( (square root, yC) with real and
complex numbers, expressions, lists, and matrices. You cannot use ( with matrices.
You can use L1 (inverse, œ) with real and complex numbers, expressions, lists, and
matrices. The multiplicative inverse is equivalent to the reciprocal, 1àx.
log(, 10^(, ln(
log(, 10^(, ln(log(, 10^(, ln(
log(, 10^(, ln(
You can use log( (logarithm, «), 10^( (power of 10, yG), and ln( (natural log, µ)
with real or complex numbers, expressions, and lists.
value^power Èvalue2(value) È
log(value) 10^(power)ln(value)