Chapter 3: Function Graphing 112
Changed the value of a variable in a selected function
Changed a window variable or graph format setting
Cleared drawings by selecting ClrDraw
Changed a stat plot definition
Overlaying Functions on a Graph
Overlaying Functions on a GraphOverlaying Functions on a Graph
Overlaying Functions on a Graph
On the TI-84 Plus, you can graph one or more new functions without replotting existing
functions. For example, store sin(X) to Y1 in the Y=editor and press s. Then store
cos(X) to Y2 and press s again. The function Y2 is graphed on top of Y1, the
original function.
Graphing a Family of Curves
Graphing a Family of CurvesGraphing a Family of Curves
Graphing a Family of Curves
If you enter a list (Chapter 11) as an element in an expression, the TI-84 Plus plots the
function for each value in the list, thereby graphing a family of curves. In Simul graphing-
order mode, it graphs all functions sequentially for the first element in each list, and then
for the second, and so on.