Chapter 3: Function Graphing 101
To turn on or turn off all functions, do not enter a number after FnOn or FnOff.
FnOn[function#,function#, . . .,function n]
FnOff[function#,function#, . . .,function n]
5. Press Í. When the instruction is executed, the status of each function in the
current mode is set and Done is displayed.
For example, in Func mode, FnOff:FnOn 1,3 turns off all functions in the Y= editor, and
then turns on Y1 and Y3.
Setting Graph Styles for FunctionsSetting Graph Styles for FunctionsSetting Graph Styles for FunctionsSetting Graph Styles for Functions
MATH Graph Style Icons in the Y= Editor
MATH Graph Style Icons in the Y= EditorMATH Graph Style Icons in the Y= Editor
MATH Graph Style Icons in the Y= Editor
This table describes the graph styles available for function graphing. Use the styles to
visually differentiate functions to be graphed together. For example, you can set Y1 as a
solid line, Y2 as a dotted line, and Y3 as a thick line.
Icon Style Description
çLine A solid line connects plotted points; this is the default in
Connected mode